Check out one of my projects, from start to finish

Course: "5 Tips to Avoid Burnout, while working form home"

<aside> 💡 We all live with stress from time to time, but "burnout" is something more serious. Even though burnout is not classified as a medical condition, if unmanaged, it has the potential to produce health issues, as well as personal and career success problems. Working from home and Pandemic stressors have created a new burnout boom- -this is the inspiration for the course.


Design Concepts

♟️ Instructional Strategy - Utilizing eLearning and adult learning theories (Gagné and others):

Design - Visuals

🎯 Assessment Strategy - Learning Assessment:

Formative assessments:

Summative assessment:  Final Exam with 80% passing criteria (1)

Note:  As there is an online community component, participation will be an ungraded, Formative, portion of the learning assessment.

Course Format or Structure - After interviewing SME, owner, and analyzing the needs and interests of the course user demographic group, the format and content strategy was created as follows: